Entertainment Weekly Updates

Robotics Write For Us

Entertainment Weekly Updates

Robotics Write For UsRobotics (robotic technology) is a technical term that effectively deals with the construction, design, manufacture and operation of technological devices. The field straddles microchip technology, computer science, artificial intelligence, mechatronics, nanotechnology, and biotechnology.

Science fiction writer Isaac Asimov is considered the first person to use the term robotics for the first time in a 1940s short story. Asimov suggested three basic rules of conduct for all robots and intelligent machines.

Asimov’s Three Laws of Robots are still valid today. They are:

  • A robot must not harm a person or, through its inaction, allow the will to harm a person.
  • A robot must follow all instructions given by a human, unless such a command conflicts with the first rule.
  • And a robot must protect its existence as long as that protection doesn’t conflict with rule one or two.

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Why Write for Entertrainment weekly Updates – Robotics Write for Us

Why Write for Entertainment Weekly Updates (4)Search Terms Related to Robotics

computer science
mechanical engineering
electrical engineering
information engineering,
computer engineering
control engineering
software engineering
bomb detection
bio-inspired robotics.

Search Terms for Robotics Write for Us

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Guidelines of the Article – Robotics Write for Us

Guidelines of the Article Entertrainment Weekly Updates (3)You can send your article to contact@Entertrainmentweeklyupdates.com

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